Selasa, 28 April 2015

Bandung City Tour


A few days ago I visited Museum Geologi for my English task, it should be a week ago but my schedule were full back then. Museum Geologi is one of Bandung's famous museum. It is a meseum that focused on ancient rocks, ancient animal's fossils, and earth's structure.Almost everyday Museum Geologi is visited by many visitors, the majority of the visitors are students and teenagers.There are also many food stands outside the museum which make visitors comes to museum not only for seeing ancient things, but also to taste various food outside the museum.On the museum yard there are many spots to sit and eat, so visitors can buy foods outside and eat it at the museum yard.

At the museum yard there are many ancient structures already. Some of them are Sarkofagus and stone cycle park. Sarkofagus is one of the technology used at prehistoric era. It is a burrying system using stones as a vessel. It is first founded in Bali, there are 2 parts of Sarkofagus, the bottom one is a vessel where the corpse stored and the top part is for the cover. The stone cycle park is where vaious stones from ancient times stored.One of the stones are Sedimen stones.
When entering the museum, you must buy the ticket, but because I came there 15 minutes before the museum closed, I got free acces for entering the museum. At the front of the museum there is a big anime fossils . At the right ward of the museum. There are many ancient stones in small size and many ancient animal's fossils there. At the second floor there are some building's miniature and there is an earth's structure room, the room was already closed back then so i can't entered.

1 komentar:

  1. Make sure that you give the right explanation with only one spot you visited, the valid data and source. If it is google search why don't you give the source if not it it plagiarist..


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